Dementia is the gradual deterioration of mental functioning that effects memory, mood, thinking, concentration, and judgment. […]
Caregivers come from all walks of life, a wide variety of demographics and incomes, yet we […]
Prescription Drugs If you or someone you know is taking multiple medications on a daily basis, […]
Finding fun ways to pass the time is critical to your loved-one’s happiness. But it’s not […]
Don’t get angry at the actions of someone that is deeply forgetful. Instead start asking yourself […]
Home Health Care Costs; There are Options Available! Caregivers: Don’t be afraid to ask for help! […]
As your loved one, probably your parent, ages he or she may experience a decline in […]
Do not ask me to remember, Don’t try to make me understand. Let me rest and […]
Weighing Risks of a Major Surgery Larry McMahon, who turned 80 in December, is weighing whether […]